Level One – Delivering the Award
This course was updated in July 2023. All adults in the Award can benefit from the information provided in this course. It is free and available to all who have…
This course was updated in July 2023. All adults in the Award can benefit from the information provided in this course. It is free and available to all who have…
The Online Record Book (ORB) is a web platform that allow participants to record their activities and submit their awards, and also allow Award Leaders to monitor participants’ progress and…
The Trainer Fundamentals course is available to all adults in the Award who would like to learn more about the theoretical principles behind adult learning, instructional design, facilitation techniques and…
Note: If you are an adult in an Award role in an IAC, please do not take this course. You must take Level One - Delivering the Award. This course…
Ce cours est une introduction à la protection des parties prenantes pour tous les adultes impliqués dans le Mérite de quelque manière que ce soit. La protection des parties prenantes…
This course is intended for the senior leadership (senior staff and Board members) of National Award Operators (NAOs). It offers a brief overview of the concept of safeguarding and what we…
À propos de ce cours Ce cours est destiné aux cadres supérieurs (cadres supérieurs et membres du conseil d'administration) des opérateurs nationaux du Mérite (NAO). Le cours en anglais s'intitule…
The Risk Management course is designed for Operators who wish to learn more about risk management and how to implement good practice within their organisation. It is not designed specifically…
All adults delivering the Award in Australia can benefit from the information provided in this course. It is free and available to all who have access to the Award Community.…
Note: This course is for adults in the Award from Canada only. If you are not delivering the Award in Canada, please speak to your Award Coordinator or Award staff…
Note : Ce cours s'adresse uniquement aux adultes exploitant le Mérite au Canada. Si vous n'enseignez pas le Mérite au Canada, veuillez vous adresser à votre coordonnateur ou à un…
本课程2023年7月更新。奖项执行中心一级培训课程包括奖项介绍、奖项执行、户外探索和保障简介等。 所有参与奖项的成人都能从中受益。该课程免费,所有进入奖项社区的人都可以学习。 参与奖项的成人须每三年重新学习一次本课程。课程内容会定期更新。 在学习过程中,您可以在任何章节结束后暂停,您的学习成果将被保存。如果您没有完全学完某一章节,退出课程或注销后必须重做整个章节。 完成整个课程大约需要两个小时。
Niveau 1 - Délivrer le Mérite Ce cours a été mis à jour en juillet 2023. Il comprend l'ensemble du contenu des cours distincts qui constituaient le niveau 1 pour…
Pelatihan ini diperbarui pada bulan Juli 2023. Pelatihan ini mencakup semua konten dari 3 modul Level 1 yang sebelumnya berlaku untuk Award Centre, termasuk Induksi Award, Penyelenggaraan Award, Perjalanan Petualangan,…
De training moet elke drie jaar vernieuwd worden door volwassen Award vrijwilligers. De training wordt regelmatig bijgewerkt met de nieuwste Award informatie. Wanneer je deze online training volgt, kun je…
Acest curs a fost actualizat în iulie 2023. Acesta include tot conținutul din cursurile separate care au reprezentat nivelul 1 pentru Centrele Award, inclusiv: Award Induction, Award Delivery, Adventurous Journey…
Bu kurs Eylül 2024'te güncellenmiştir. Ödül Programı'ndaki tüm yetişkinler bu kursta verilen bilgilerden faydalanabilir. Kurs ücretsizdir ve Ödül Topluluğuna erişimi olan herkes tarafından tamamlanabilir. Bu kurs, Ödül Programı'ndaki yetişkinler tarafından…
在线记录册(ORB)是一个网络平台,参与者记录他们的活动并提交他们的奖项,奖项导师监督参与者的活动进度并批准提交的奖项。 本课程是为参加爱丁堡公爵国际奖的奖项导师所编写。提供了如何使用在线记录册(ORB)网页界面的详细分步指导。 在线记录册请访问:https://www.onlinerecordbook.org/fo/ 本课程更新于 2023 年 7 月 28 日。 最新版本为 ORB 2.15 。
Online Record Book (ORB) este o platformă web care permite participanților să își înregistreze activitățile și să își trimită nivelurile spre validare. De asemenea, permite Liderilor Award să monitorizeze progresul…